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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

aBEE Finally Living

Every person that walks this planet will ask themselves this one conundrum...

What is life? 

What purpose do I serve? What is the essence of my existence? Why am I here? 
Do you not hear yourselves asking the same things I am? Some people may already have their answers and maybe you do too, but for me, I am as confused as the day that question popped into my head. 

On the day you were born, you open your eyes to a world full of wonder. Scary, yes! But beautiful nonetheless. You go to school, make friends, graduate... then off to College for your future. After graduating from a degree, you find the best job in the world (one your parents could brag about) and then you live each day the same way you've lived yesterday and the day before that and you know you will do the same thing tomorrow and the days after that. You can meet someone special, you get married, have children, and then grandchildren... and then you die. Isn't that a bit cruel?

I remember back in College, a professor once told us, Man is born to the world with the expectation of death. No one is immortal and everyone is given a single chance to live a full life, what you do with it, is completely up to you. The point of this very lengthy introduction (which I promise won't happen often) to this amateur blog is that it suddenly hits you and then you realize that life is what you make it.

So, now I have finally decided to start living. I mean truly living. A life filled with adventures, love, laughter and memories. This isn't only about traveling to other places and getting a stamp on my passport, it is about experiencing what it's like to be in someone else's comfort zone. I want to see places I've only read about, explore history and appreciate art, meet people, meet soul mates, a kindred spirit searching for the same things I am. Staying connected with people I already know, bonding with old friends and family. All in all, everything about this blog is about me finally LIVING...


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